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来源:互联网  日期:2013/11/16 9:29:18  访问数:715

  It's said that crying at work is a big no-no, simply because your colleagues or boss may think poorly of you. And when it comes to interviewing, crying is an even bigger taboo. That's because you only have a handful of minutes to impress a stranger who is judging you based on first impressions. She may come to the conclusion that you're not emotionally stable and don't do well under pressure. That is probably not the case at all, and you don't want to risk giving her the wrong impression. Here are some ways to prevent the tears from falling:


  1.Practice interviews:Go on as many interviews as you can, even for the jobs you don't want. Interviews are high-pressure situations in which you'll be put on the spot. Doing more of them will help you get used to it and master better interviewing skills。


  2.Don't touch sensitive topics:Do your best not to talk about topics that will emotionally upset you. Come up with a different answer that won't touch upon a sensitive subject。


  3.Rehearse your response: If you know you tend to be emotional about a certain topic, then keep rehearsing your answer. Repeat it over and over until you can talk about it without getting upset. But remember to follow the point above, and always try to avoid the topic if you can. And if you do talk about it, then try to come up with a way to deftly switch the topic。


  4.Get good sleep and exercise:A good mental state is dependent on how you're treating yourself. This means getting plenty of sleep, eating well, and exercising。


  5.Breathe: Deep breathing can be extremely calming, because it relaxes your whole body. Try your best to discreetly take deep breaths throughout the interview so you'll be in a calmer state. If you have to talk about a sensitive topic, then take a deep breath before doing so。


  6.Take some time off: If there is something extremely emotional going on in your life, then you should consider taking some time off the interview rounds. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a break。



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